• Play based therapy
    Children learn best through play. By playing, exploring, laughing and using imaginative play, children can better access the symbols that they need to develop their language and social skills, including turn taking and important pre-cursors to language development.
  • Personalised therapy
    Every child is different, and every family has a different dynamic. That's why Sally-Ann tailors her therapy to each child's needs, blending Hanen, PECS, Signing, imaginative and play based therapies to provide a program that is perfect for your child.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
    Sally-Ann has a special interest in treating children with all kinds of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Global Development Delays, and can assist in diagnosing and treating children with these disorders.

A unique approach to therapy

Sally-Ann provides a unique, eclectic approach to speech pathology, combining over 38 years of experience in Speech and Language therapy with innovative techniques and evidenced-based practice to offer your child  up to date therapy techniques.